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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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I pray that my MP Chris Bryant will know the love and light of the Lord Jesus. Also I am thankful Lord that You are completely in control of Brexit and Britain's future. Amen!

Ann, from S. Wales

6 years ago

I want to pray for Theresa May at this difficult time. Please give her the wisdom and discernment to find the best deal for the UK following Brexit. Amen


6 years ago

I pray for Theresa May at this difficult time as she leads the country. May she be inspired by the God she serves.

Angela Bowhill, from Leigh-on-Sea

6 years ago

I pray for my MP, Nicky Morgan, that you will give her wisdom in knowing how to respond to the Brexit debates and that she will be able to put the best interests of the people of this country first.

Tim, from Loughborough

6 years ago

Please be with the UK politicians at this challenging time. Help them to come to the right decisions for the country. Strengthen them and give them wisdom.

Rebecca, from Exeter

6 years ago

I pray for guidance and wisdom for all the MPs as Brexit plans move forward, that they will remember the poor, needy and hungry and know what is the best course of action to help them.


6 years ago

I pray for all our MPs that they may act with honour and integrity, choosing the right course for the good of the many

Lindsey, from Oldham

6 years ago

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your servant leadership. Thank you for each of our MPs & those in authority. We pray You would bless them with wisdom and Your leading & love.We ask in Your Name.


6 years ago

Father God,
we pray at this time of uncertainty and disagreement that you would make your presence strong in our hearts. We pray that you would make what joins us together as a country greater than what divides us. Amen.

Hannah, from Devon

6 years ago

I pray for MPs to put our country & the good of the people first. May they stop bickering & work together for our good.
Pray they will support & protect freedom to speak freely of faith & beliefs

Andrea, from Teeside

6 years ago

I pray for Teresa May and all the members of parliament that they will be guided by the Holy Spirit a d work together to get the best brexit deal for the good of all Amen


6 years ago

Dear Lord, please give Theresa May & the Government a desire to work together for the benefit of everyone in this Country. May they have a glimpse of you over this Christmastide. Amen


6 years ago

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