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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Father, I pray for all those taking part in Brexit debate in the House of Commons, especially for Rachel MacLean, that their hearts and minds would be led by your Spirit and your will be done in our country.

Sue, from Redditch

6 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for your blessings on our Prime Minister Theresa May at this difficult time as she leads the UK to a new future.
Give her discernment, courage and love to unite our nation. Amen

Rachel, from cheltenham

6 years ago

Father, I pray for the men and women who make up the US Congress, especially those who represent me. Make them wise, help them to see beyond party divides. Help them bring peace to our nation, Prince of Peace.

Emily, from America

6 years ago

Loving Father,
I pray that the hearts and minds of all world leaders may be opened to your love and compassion for all your children, and turned away from the temptation of self-seeking and greed. Amen

Jan, from Faversham

6 years ago

Dear God,
I pray that you guide the hearts and minds of all world leaders and inspire them to work for peace in our world. I give thanks for your gracious hand in our lives. Amen

Julie , from London

6 years ago

Father God, at this Advent season I pray for all our MPs. Though circumstances look grim, may they look to You for guidance and know the peace that only You can give. Take them to Your Word today.

Elizabeth, from pontypridd

6 years ago

Eternal God, at Advent we prepare for you to come to us. Be with us in everything we do, especially when we lead. Help us to remember when we lead there are other people following for whom were are responsible.

Geoff, from South Wales

6 years ago

please God pray for all those who are working trying to bring a change to our world, trying to enable a better place for us all to live together in harmony. also for those who encourage each of daily,

karen, from nottm

6 years ago

May the leaders of our nation be drawn increasingly to understand God’s ways of justice and righteousness, and be filled with the longing to do what is right and honest and good.

Anonymous, from Bebington

6 years ago

Lord I pray for our leaders in government, and for Teresa May as she leads our county in a turbulent time. I pray for wisdom and bonds of unity to work together for good. Amen

Hannah, from Blackpool

6 years ago

Dear God, please give wisdom and insight to those in authority at all levels. Amen


6 years ago

Father God, I pray for Teresa May and our government. Lord I pray that you will speak wisdom & discernment, compassion & mercy into their hearts that they may lead our country through the power of dear Holy Spirit.Amen

Linda, from Devon

6 years ago

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