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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Lord I pray for Theresa May as she debates for nation’s way forward. Give her wisdom, surround her with good advice. May she know the best way to deliver the brexit deal. You know what is best. Amen


6 years ago

Lord, I prayer for the government and all the talks and debates that surround Brexit, especially this week in the House of Commons. Give them guidance and wisdom. In the name of Christ, Amen

Andrea , from Manchester

6 years ago

Lord guide all those who have difficult decisions to make, enable them to hear your wisdom, understand situations and make judgements which reflect your ways.


6 years ago

Dear Lord,
Thank you for this new day.
Please help all the political parties resolve their issuesand differences and find a favourable deal for the UK.
Let them all hear your voice.
In Jesus name

Karen, from Templecombe

6 years ago

Lord, in this difficult time, I pray that politicians may put aside their differences and personal ambitions and act in a manner that is best for all people. Bless all people in power today. Amen

Alison, from Bolton

6 years ago

Wise and loving Father, please guide those in power in our country. Help them to pause and put self-serving aside. Help them to listen to one another and be realistic about finding the path you would have us on. Amen

Kimm, from Shepley

6 years ago

Grant wisdom to those in power, let your will be done. Bless this nation. Let the voices of those in Government who love you be heard.


6 years ago

Father, May those in Parliament who know you have the wisdom to seek you daily, the discernment to hear you and the courage to speak and act on what they know you are saying to them. Amen.

Julie Winstone

6 years ago

Father, in this turbulent political time I pray that your guiding hand will be at the helm of all decisions that are made by leaders in this country. Amen

Paula, from Rushden

6 years ago

Jesus watch over my Church at a time of leadership change. Let your heart be reflected in choices made and actions taken. Guide our elders as they lead us through challenging times. Help us love you and share your love.

Tammy , from Worthing

6 years ago

Heavenly Father watch over, guide and protect all leaders of the world

M, from Bristol

6 years ago

Watch over, guide, and protect all of those in a leadership position that they may lead by your example of love, righteousness, and justice. Amen

Anonymous, from Lansing, Michigan

6 years ago

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