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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Lord please guide our politicians as they debate our religious freedoms in the Senate.

Naomi, from Australia

6 years ago

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of all leaders & those in authority, that they come to know Your love & mercy, and therfore serve one another with humility for the good of Jesus did Amen


6 years ago

Lord, please bless those in government and leadership at this difficult time of negotiations and challenges. Would you be with them, guide them and protect them as they discern our next steps as a country. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen.


6 years ago

For those in the House of commons over the next few days - bless them dear Lord with your wisdom, and a willingness to consider the best interests of those they represent. Amen


6 years ago

Lord God, Sovereign of all, as MPs debate into the cold dark night hold them in your loving care. Bless and guide my, and every, Member of Parliament and all those appointed in places of authority to do your will.


6 years ago

Heavenly Father,
Please bestow on Theresa May; wisdom, courage, communication skills, listening to your direction and finding her way back to you. Help her to see your will and the right path she must follow to glorify your name.

Anonymous, from London UK

6 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray you will hold Teresa May in your loving arms and give her the wisdom, compassion, courage and strength to lead our country through the difficult days ahead. In Jesus's name, Amen.

Maggie, from Cumbria

6 years ago

Dear Lord, please give wisdom, strength and courage to Theresa May as she battles to deliver what the majority of our country voted for, in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen xx


6 years ago

Dear Lord

Be especially close to Theresa May at this time and give her wisdom in the decisions which lay ahead. Lead her to your word Lord as she seeks to resolve the issues at hand. Amen

Anonymous, from Dorset

6 years ago

In this turbulent political time I pray that all politicians would work for what is best for our nation rather than point scoring.

Anonymous, from Nottingham

6 years ago

Father, please be with all our politicians at this time . Give them the wisdom and courage to put aside their own agendas and to focus on what is best for this country.


6 years ago

Dear God, I give thanks for the work done by all Politicians, but especially Theresa May. I pray that you will guide her to lead us wisely in the coming days. Amen

Liz, from Surrey

6 years ago

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