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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Lord we pray for Fiona Bruce please guide her and strengthen her in her daily life. Help her to live and work to your praise and glory.
In Jesus name

Kevin, from Cheshire

6 years ago

God, we pray that all those in power may recognise their responsibility and act in ways which glorify you. May your will be done here on Earth as it is in heaven. Amen

Daniel, from Spain

6 years ago

Praying for the prime minister and the government discussing Brexit at this time, that they will reach a decision that is as fair as it can be.


6 years ago

I pray for Teresa May that you will guide her Lord and give her strength, wisdom and support in the difficult and challenging negotiations she is facing and I pray that she may obtain the best outcome for all.

Julia, from Macduff

6 years ago

Lord, we pray for all those in parliament who know you as their Lord and saviour. May they keep their eyes fixed on you, and know your guidance and empowering, and be salt and light in that place.

Claire, from Stoke-on-Trent

6 years ago

I pray for Theresa May during these challenging days to come. May God Bless her and give her even more of the strength and courage she’s shown so far, but now needs more than ever in these turbulent times.

Gilly, from West Lancashire

6 years ago

Heavenly Father, I pray that our politicians will seek your will and make decisions with humble hearts, that your will be done and your Kingdom come, Amen

Dave , from Ulverston

6 years ago

Lord, please give our Parish priest Nick the wisdom and strength to inspire all who come to our events in the coming weeks. May he help us to prepare and be ready for His coming at Christmas.

Hilary , from Grimsby

6 years ago

Dear God
Thank you for the leaders of this country. May they be guided by you to make the right choices for our country. Give them strength and courage to rule sensibly. Amen

Sarah, from Hampshire

6 years ago

May the lord provide our government with wisdom to make the right decisions and act with integrity and honesty.


6 years ago

Dear Lord, it is so easy to ridicule those in positions of leadership, yet leaders are often the most isolated and lonely. I pray for all leaders, that their leadership will be one of a servant, just like Jesus


6 years ago

I pray for Theresa May that God will give her wisdom and her party will stand with her in the decisions she is making for the future of our country.

Sandra, from Staffordshire UK

6 years ago

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