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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Lord give our leaders wisdom, and may all our politicians be guided by your values as they seek to navigate through the next few difficult days and weeks.

Jackie, from Holmrook

6 years ago

Lord, please help Darren Millar be a light for you as an AM. Keep him upright in all he says and does and help him to publicly follow you and your ways. Amen

Felicity, from Rhyd y foel

6 years ago

Thank you Jesus for our government we pray that you give them strength and wisdom to persist for righteousness and not be intimidated. Help them to make the right choices according to your will Amen.

Sarah, from Devon

6 years ago

Dear Lord, thank you that the whole world is in your hands. Please encourage our leaders in government to show mercy and grace to the vulnerable at this challenging and tumultuous time. Amen


6 years ago

Dear Lord
Please may Laura Smith make wise decisions, uphold Christian standards and listen to Godly advise.

Jo and kids, from Crewe

6 years ago

Father God - bless Theresa May and give her strength to lead our country at this difficult time. Encourage her to have trust in you and pray for guidance to do the right thing.

Linda, from Addlestone

6 years ago

Lord, please make Yourself known to those who lead our country. May Your name be lifted up and Your will be done. Please give them the wisdom they need as they lead us. Amen


6 years ago

I pray that God's will is done about Brexit, and for peace and unity in the country. If it's God's will, may MPs back Theresa May's deal so that there is an orderly Brexit in accordance with the referendum. Amen.

Julia, from Hampshire

6 years ago

Lord, please bless Mary Creagh, in her parliamentary duties as she represents the Wakefield area and people. Amen

Kathy, from Wakefield

6 years ago

Lord Jesus, put your guiding and loving hands around all who lead in our churches and schools. Guide them in your ways and give them patience and forgiveness when things get rough. Amen

FIONA, from Wellingborough

6 years ago

Father God, I thank you for the leaders in Manchester. I pray and declare that they would be filled with your wisdom, ideas and strategies that would impact and bless many people. Protect them and their families in Jesus’ name.

Sarah, from Manchester

6 years ago

Dear Father we pray that you will give guidance, courage and strength to all those who are in positions of leadership. May your wisdom shine through their decision making. In the name of Jesus we ask. Amen


6 years ago

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