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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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I pray for all leaders, that they hear the voice of wisdom from our Lord, and make the right decisions for all.


6 years ago

Praying that our leaders will consider those people who can't speak up for themselves and are in need of extra support, not just the people who shout the loudest and make the most fuss.


6 years ago

Heavenly Father, I pray that you will grant wisdom to the leaders of our country in the coming days. Please guide their decisions so that Your will is done on earth. Amen.


6 years ago

Pray for Theresa May. Pray that the UK will stop funding Palestinian attacks on Israel. Pray that our PM will speak out in support of Israel and I pray that she will brexit without funding an anti-Semitic EU. Amen

Graham Tamplin, from Paignton

6 years ago

Pray for all our leaders especially Teresa May with all the tough decisions they need to make for our future. Also pray that they will look to You for guidance. Amen

Ann, from Essex

6 years ago

Dear Lord,

Help our leaders of nations, church leaders and community leaders the knowledge and wisdom to help your world become more like heaven. Put your loving arms around them. Amen


6 years ago

For all politicians I pray that they are given wisdom and courage to put aside their political ambitions and act according to God's will in the best interest of all his children. Amen

Andy H, from Gravesend

6 years ago

Father, please equip all those leading in churches in the Uk over the advent season that they would speak your word faithfully and winsomely. May people know the love of Christ through their work. Amen.

Emma, from Oxford

6 years ago

Lord, please send your spirit to work in the leaders of our council's, government, Churches, Schools and all places of leadership. Guide them on your path and give them the support and love they need.

Dave, from Bury St Edmunds

6 years ago

Father, give our leaders wisdom over the coming days. May they look to You for guidance and clarity. May Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Pastor H, from Lincolnshire

6 years ago

God, we pray that your will would be done in the challenges currently faced by our country, that you would give our leaders wisdom and guidance and that they would be looking to you. Amen


6 years ago

Dear Lord, please guide our leaders and politicians so that they work to improve the lives of those who are most vulnerable and forgotten in our society. Help them to see who is most at need of God’s love. Amen.

Jaime Barkley, from Doncaster

6 years ago

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