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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Heavenly Father, please guide ALL our politicians to remember that there are many important issues affecting us. Please help them to put aside their ambitions and focus on those who most need their help.

Chris, from Hampshire

6 years ago

I pray for all the church leaders particularly at this busy time of year. I pray specifically for my church leader, Johnny, for wisdom, patience, peace and joy. Amen


6 years ago

I pray for Pope Francis and all our church leaders that they will be always open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that will be given the gifts of wisdom and discernment, and will lead others to Jesus.


6 years ago

Dear God. I pray for Theresa May to seek your wisdom and I pray that you will lead her to make the right decisions for our country. In Jesus name.

Johanna, from Watford

6 years ago

Today I pray for all church leaders at this busy time of year. In their seeking to help and minister to others will you sustain them by your grace so they don't become too tired.


6 years ago

Pray for our local MP Andrea Jenkyns in her work in our town.

Janet, from Leeds

6 years ago

Please Heavenly Father give Amber Judd great wisdom, insight and compassion in her new role in the department of works and pensions. May she listen to godly advice about the needs of the poor in the UK. Amen

Ruth, from Shrewsbury

6 years ago

Father, please give David L. wisdom, courage and integrity as he advises and makes decisions. May he know Your heart for the nations and be filled with compassion. May he act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with his God.

Alison, from Aylesbury

6 years ago

Pray for Theresa May that God will equip and strengthen her.


6 years ago

Help politicians to work together. Help them to see that this will help provide stability and trust. Give them grace and understanding to look to the future. Help them see the best solution possible & work with love.

EC, from London

6 years ago

Father God I pray for the pastors of Elim life church kingstanding.They do an amazing job and even though they have their own problems.They are never to busy to listen.Bless them lord

Anonymous, from Kingstanding Birmingham

6 years ago

Bless our Prime Minister, all government officials and all MP's. May they make Godly and wise decisions about Brexit. Amen

Dave, from Ormskirk

6 years ago

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