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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Dear Papa,

I thank You for our leaders. I pray that in a critical time as this you will continue to grant Ms Theresa May and her Cabinet the wisdom and insight to lead us on the path you want. Amen!


6 years ago

Father we desperately need you to shine your light into the darkness of our hearts as a people. I pray your Spirit would bring revelation of your Son Jesus to people across this land - You are mighty to save.

Shannon, from West Sussex

6 years ago

Dear Lord - Please give wisdom and discernment in the right way to guide all governments in Countries around the world, let them receive you spirit of guidance. Bless and care for the leaders.

Richard, from Chipping Campden

6 years ago

Father God, I pray today for the politicians at Whitehall as discussions on Brexit continue. Give them the grace to put aside party politics and their need for power and wisdom to know what the right thing to is.

Andy, from Orpington

6 years ago

Loving God I ask for your wisdom for all politicians as they consider the implications of Brexit and how to vote. Be with Teresa May and strengthen her faith. Help he to listen to you and give your assurance


6 years ago

Dear Lord,
Please help our leaders in parliament to be guided by Your will, as they make decisions about the future of our country in Europe.

Philippa , from Gravesend, Kent, England

6 years ago

Father I pray for wisdom & understanding for all of the people involved in making decisions for our country at this very challenging time. May your will be done. May your light shine throughout this land.

Jan, from Swindon

6 years ago

Dear Lord, forgive me that I find it so hard to pray for some leaders, soften my heart towards them; bring men and women of faith to advise them so they may open their hearts to You.

T, from Lincoln

6 years ago

Loving Lord, I pray for our Prime Minister and MPs, especially my MP Stella Creasy, at this challenging time. Please guide them, giving them strength and wisdom to make the right decisions for our country. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Jan, from London

6 years ago

Father God we pray for our leaders at this difficult time. Give them wisdom and understanding when making decisions which affect us all. May your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

Judith, from Greasby

6 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for all of our leaders. I pray that they know You, and see and follow Your guiding light, and hear and heed Your wise thoughts. They are held in the palm of Your hand.


6 years ago

Almighty God, you give people positions of authority and power. Lord I pray for Teresa May and the other MP's as they lead our country, please give them wisdom and a selfless love for the country.


6 years ago

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