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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Jesus, Prince of peace I pray for peace across our political parties. Challenge and inspire those working in politics to respect and value one another.Equip your people working in government to model Jesus in their attitudes. Amen.

Melinda Roberts, from York

6 years ago

Lord, I pray for our Prime Minister that she might draw on your strength to seek a path for our country which shows compassion for the poor and oppressed. May she know your grace and peace. Amen

Esther, from Wallingford

6 years ago

Heavenly Father please support our politicians as they debate the future of our country and help them to remember that they are there to serve the common good and not personal ambitions. Amen

Vicki, from Leicestershire

6 years ago

I pray for all the politicians and leaders involved in influencing Brexit. I pray that your will be done here, in the UK. Amen.

A, from Cornwall

6 years ago

Lord, please help the government this week. Give them wisdom and courage to make decisions that have the best outcome for all the people in this country.

Nic, from Cambridgeshire

6 years ago

For all MPs that they search their hearts not their egos re Brexit. They represent constituents not their personal ambitions

Sarah, from Derbyshire

6 years ago

Lord of all wisdom help our politicians to act wisely
Lord of all mercy help our politicians to act with sincerity for all people
Lord of love help our politicians to love each other and work together for the common good. AMEN

Liz, from Suffolk

6 years ago

Thank you Lord for putting elected leaders over us.
I pray that you would give Jane Scott wisdom in her final months as leader of Wiltshire Council and as she continues her role in the House of Lords.

Susan, from Swindon

6 years ago

I pray for the leader of our country, Theresa May, that she may receive the support she needs as she leads our country through these difficult and uncertain times. Amen

Helen, from West Midlands

6 years ago

Father, I pray that Theresa May will be guided by You in all circumstances, that she will pray on each and every occasion requiring a decision to seek Your will.

Simon, from Sheffield

6 years ago

Let us pray for our leaders at this Advent time. That they can unite nations to bring peace across the world.


6 years ago

Heavenly Father
In this time of uncertainty please grant our leaders wisdom to make decisions that will benefit those least able to help themselves.
In Jesus ' precious name.

Anonymous, from England

6 years ago

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