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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Dear Lord, I pray for Teresa May, the government, and the opposition parties at this time, when decisions will be made in a few days time that will affect our country and our relationship with others. Amen.

Peter, from Kent

6 years ago

Lord, I pray for Theresa May as she continues to work on the Brexit deal. Please grant her the wisdom and compassion to make the right choices for the whole country. Amen

Tessa, from Highworth

6 years ago

Lord Jesus, I pray for our queen and the royal family. I ask that you will send Christians into their path that they will hear the gospel and respond to it.


6 years ago

Dear Lord,
I'd like to pray for Theresa May during this very tricky and difficult time. Praying for wisdom and resilience for her. Whatever the outcome Lord, we know you are in control of everything. Amen.

Grace, from Berkshire

6 years ago

O Lord God, we pray for peace and love in all nations and that all wars and hatred will end. Amen


6 years ago

God of all nations, in this time of darkness and brokenness, I pray that those in positions of power and authority are guided by you. Give them a spirit of compassion, love and tolerance, that they may work together forthegoodofallyourchildren

Anonymous, from Scotland

6 years ago

God I just lift up the leaders of our country today at this time of change and decision making. I pray that you will stengthen them and guide them in their decisions.

Anonymous, from Devon

6 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father
I pray for Teresa May and our government , I pray for guidance, wisdom, strength and fairness. Lord please lift the Brexit situation into your overseeing care. In Jesus’ name, Thank you Father Amen

Karan, from Kettering

6 years ago

In these times of national and global political and environmental uncertainty, Lord, Your will be done. Amen
Micah 6:8


6 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father
In these uncertain times I pray for Theresa May that she will be given strength and determination to see her job through and that the outcome will be the best for our country. Grant her wisdom Lord.


6 years ago

As part of the Advent Challenge, I pray for Theresa May and politicians of all parties as they debate Brexit. Lord, let your will be done.


6 years ago

Dear Father God. We realise from Your Word that the world is passing away, but we pray for our Government in these uncertain times that they will be guided by You and that We shall live peaceably.

Mark, from Somerset

6 years ago

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