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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Heavenly Father, guide those who make the decisions in Parliament today. May they hear and follow your voice and do Your Will. Give them wisdom.


6 years ago

Dear Lord, At this time of great political unrest in our country we pray for There's May. Although we may not agree with what she is doing we can still pray for her! Give her strength and courage,and your wisdom.


6 years ago

Dear Lord
I pray for steadfastness and wisdom for our Prime Minister Theresa May. She faces a daily struggle to negotiate our Brexit arrangements facing opposition from all sides. Please give her the strength to persevere at this difficult time.

Pam, from Nottingham

6 years ago

Father God,
guide our leaders through these difficult times. Let your will be done and remember mercy in judgement.

In Jesus Name


janet elmer, from lancashire

6 years ago

Father I pray for those in Government at this time to have wisdom in the important decision that is being made this week - let your your will be done for our nation. In Jesus might name. Amen


6 years ago

Lord, I thank you for Teresa May, for her strength and courage in these testing political times. I pray that you will strengthen her faith and help her bring your kingdom.

Anonymous, from Leicestershire

6 years ago

Father, I ask you to give wisdom to our politicians at this time. May they be guided by a desire to serve, and not by a desire for power. In Jesus' name.

Margaret, from Portsoy, Scotland

6 years ago

Lord please give our politicians and leaders all wisdom as they lead us, especially at this time of great decisions for our country.

Anonymous, from Somerset

6 years ago

I pray for all Christian politicians, that they will keep listening to God, and making the right decisions.


6 years ago

At this uncertain political time, I ask for Gods hand to be on Theresa May, her govn and the opposition. May they be wise & consider the country, not themselves.


6 years ago

Lord I pray for my local MP, that they would know your guidance. In your power, overcome selfish human drive and desires and, through the politicians, even despite their own motives, I pray that your will is done.

GA, from Somerset

6 years ago

I pray for the Green Party that they will have a voice in this world. Caring for people and the earth that God created. X


6 years ago

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