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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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For my Local MP Layla Morgan, who works tirelessly for her constituents


6 years ago

Pray for wisdom for Theresa May as she leads Parliament through the Brexit deal, may she know the support of colleagues.


6 years ago

Lord God bless the hand of our local MP for the work he does on behalf of the community

Gia, from Plymouth

6 years ago

Father, please lead and guide Teresa May in all her work and decision making for this country. May she know your peace and strength as she meets members of parliament and the media. May your will be done. Amen


6 years ago

I pray for our leaders that they may consider wisely in all things so that their actions are inspired by the needs of humanity.

Eve, from Norfolk

6 years ago

Dear Lord , please give our leaders wisdom as they come together to vote for the Brexit deal .
Help them to put their differences and political ambition to one side and vote for what’s best for our country.

Gillian, from Hampshire

6 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for all the leaders and members of the Northern Ireland Assembly, that they may be bold, making concessions to each other in order to cooperate in bringing back local representation. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Johnny, from Fermanagh

6 years ago

Dear Lord, we ask you to help Teresa May and her government to be strong and united as they move forward with important decisions.
Lord show your love and help them to trust you. 🙏🙏🙏

Diona, from Cardiff

6 years ago

Lord Jesus, I bring you all the people you have allowed to enter a position of leadership, whether leading their family or leading their country or anything else in between. Give them the wisdom they need for their task. Amen.

Tamsyn, from Alderbury

6 years ago

I pray for Jeremy Corbyn & all MPs, that they will put God & Jesus & the interests of the country, especially vulnerable & weak people, also others in the world & the environment, before personal and party interests. Amen.

Julia, from Hampshire

6 years ago

Dear God. I pray for our Prime Minister and the government and the wider Parliament today. They have some important decisions to make at this time. Give them wisdom to make wise choices.

Simon, from Yorkshire

6 years ago

Lord, we pray for all those in positions of power and authority and ask for wisdom on their behalf to guide and lead this nation through testing times.

Anonymous, from Southampton

6 years ago

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