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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Loving God, Please surround our Prime Minister Theresa May with your love and support today. Please give her strength for the days ahead and wisdom to lead our country righteously according to your will. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Camilla, from Kent

6 years ago

Lord, I pray that you may give our MP Justin Madders wisdom and patience for today and throughout his time as MP as he represents our constituency in Parliament. Amen

Lizzie, from Chester

6 years ago

Lord God,
Please give our leaders wisdom during these difficult times. Help them to act for the good of the country, not self interest. Most of all, lead them to trust wholly and solely in you, Jesus.


6 years ago

Father I pray that You would work through our local MP Ian Austin. He’s had a tough year so I ask that You will bless and refresh him over Christmas and give him motivation for the year ahead. Amen

Karen, from Gornal

6 years ago

Lord, I pray for the Government today that its decision making will be influenced by Your Holy Spirit, so that those decisions it takes will be within Your will for our country. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen

Audrey, from Maidstone

6 years ago

Dear God. Please be with Theresa May at this time. Help her feel you with her guiding her and help her know she is loved by you when she is experiencing so much criticism wherever she goes.


6 years ago

Lord I lift Amanda Milling MP to you. Bring her to know you and to uphold truth & justice in her constituency & our country. Amen

Emma, from Cannock

6 years ago

We pray for all Members of Parliament as they face difficult decisions over Brexit. May they seek your guidance in all they do. Pray especially for the Hartlepool MP, Mike Hill.

Alan, from Hartlepool

6 years ago

Heavenly Father may Theresa May be aware of your presence today in all that she has to face. Bless her abundantly and give her your wisdom and discernment in leading this country. Amen

Diane, from London

6 years ago

Dear God please help our politicians to make choices that are good for everyone not those that help their careers or save face. Help us to accept the decisions that are made.


6 years ago

Lord, I pray for all our politicians and Theresa May in particular. I pray that they will stop their game-playing,self-serving behaviour; grant them the grace to show real leadership qualities, putting the least first. In your name, Lord. Amen

Gill, from Guisborough

6 years ago

God of all, be with those making important decisions at this time. Help them to make them in the interests of others, not their careers. Help them to bring peace and unity, not division.

Martin, from Exeter

6 years ago

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