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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Father God, give our children and young people a hunger and excitement for learning, may they feel safe and content in their place of learning. Give staff energy, wisdom and strength for their vital roles. Bless our schools mightily.


6 years ago

Dear Heavenly father , give strength and courage to all in their daily learning , help us all to realise we can never fail with you by our side.

Louise, from Kent

6 years ago

Heavenly Father
May the cornerstone of your love and grace surround our young people as hey adventure and learn. Guide all teaching staff with wisdom, energy and strength and help parents to nurture with patience and joy.

Diane, from Kent

6 years ago

Bless and guide all the young people from kindergarten to sixth form, keep them safe Lord in this ever changing world and pray that schools bring them closer to you. Bless all Parents who guide them daily .

Rachel, from Glasgow

6 years ago

Lord of all, we pray for each unique person who contributes to schools: students, teachers, support works, managers, counsellors, admin, cooks, cleaners, maintenance staff and support agencies. May they see your gift in each other, and give of themselves generously.

Anonymous, from Scunthorpe

6 years ago

Lord send your spirit upon our students, and fill them with your wisdom and blessings. Grant that they may devote themselves to their studies and draw ever closer to you, the source of all knowledge. Amen

Nicola, from Tunbridge Wells

6 years ago

Lord, be with all our young people as they return to education this week...I especially say a prayer for Ashley as she moves up to secondary school.. Give all teachers skills they need to inspire the next generation.


6 years ago

Lord Jesus we thank you for the Bible and as children go back to school may they have the opportunity to hear Bible stories and know your love for them.

David Nickless

6 years ago

Lord, help us reach the marginalised & those suffering in our communities. May they feel & understand your love for them which can overcome all with light. Amen

Steve, from Torquay

6 years ago

Heavenly Father, forgive us for feeding our bodies and neglecting our souls. Help us to grasp the truths of Scripture in a way that sows seeds and spreads the Gospel while we have the opportunity to do so.

Doris Townsend, from Mullion, Cornwall

6 years ago

Gracious Lord, Heavenly Father thank you for Your Precious Son Jesus Christ who died to give us eternal life. I pray that all will open their hearts and let Him in, to know His love and forgiveness of sins.

Jan, from Bournemouth

6 years ago

Make us worthy of your sacrifice
Let our lives reflect your glory,
your will guide our lives,
and your love our actions.
That by these gifts your truth be known,
so others join us before your throne

Chris Wait, from Leicestershire

6 years ago

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