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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Please dear Lord stay the hand of those who would do evil to yu children coming to worship this `Christmas, especially in Pakistan.


7 years ago

Dear Lord,
I pray that your Holy Word will, as we study it diligently, bring wisdom wiser than the Wise Men had. Help us to trust fully in You and not make any assumptions or act unwisely out of fear. Amen

Liz W-B, from Blandford

7 years ago

Dearest Lord , You offer to guide, strengthen, love, forgive and support us, may your inspiration reach out to all who need it and let all come to value and live by the values of your kingdom. Thank you.


7 years ago

Lord, please be those who are oppressed. Give them hope and an open heart to trust you, Amen


7 years ago

Dear Lord I'm praying that your word and love will reach out to those who really need you now and for always. Amen


7 years ago

Father, thank you for your son Jesus I pray that this Christmas you would reach out those that are in need and oppressed with your perfect Love,the way that only you can in Jesus name.x

Nora, from Scotland

7 years ago

Thank you Father, Help me to overcome the difficulties I have so that I can become more like you you and do the work that you have called me to do.

Helen, from Blackburn

7 years ago

I pray for a deeper recognition of all people everywhere of 'Christ' in Christmas...that the gift of Jesus Christ may be the focus of Christmas.

Jan, from Wiltshire

7 years ago

Thank you Father that you sent Jesus into the world for all. When Jesus walked the earth He came to an oppressed people under the rule of violent invaders. We pray for the oppressed wherever they may be.


7 years ago

Dear Lord help us to reach out to those in need Amen


7 years ago

Thank You Lord God for sending Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners. Please bless the work of the Bible Society so others will know You too. Amen.

Anonymous, from West Sussex

7 years ago

Lord, I pray for the homeless. I pray for people there to reach out a hand and provide shelter, warmth, food and safety. I pray for wisdom for them to make the right choices to accept the help offered.Amen.

Tracy, from Burton on Trent

7 years ago

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