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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Dear Lord, help us to spread love and kindness at this special time. We give thanks for our families and friends and whilst enjoying all the festivities to remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Barbara, from Yorkshire

7 years ago

Dear Lord Jesus I pray that people throughout the world will hear your message and respond with love. Amen


7 years ago

O God and Father of us all grant to us the spirit of true comradeshio. Teach us to serve thee faithfully and cheerfully to help others.

I pray for peace, love, hope and understanding throughout the world.



7 years ago

Lord I pray for those who are oppressed in our world, protect them with your love Lord. Amen

Bev Gray

7 years ago

Lord, I pray for the oppressed people of Yemen, that they may know your love this Christmas time and be fed in both body and mind. In Jesus' name, Amen

Carolyn, from Swindon

7 years ago

Lord, I don't know what to pray, but you know my heart, so please answer the prayers I want to pray but don't know how to, or don't know I am praying.

Phil, from Devon

7 years ago

Loving Lord, be with all who are newly bereaved this Christmas-tide. May they feel the comfort of your presence with them, sharing their loss. Amen.

Maria, from Cambridgeshire

7 years ago

Most gracious and merciful God. May your Spirit comfort the oppressed that they trust in your promises. Our God will come and He will save us! In Jesus' name. Amen.

Margaret, from Lancashire

7 years ago

Gracious Lord, I pray that the many Carol and Christingle services held will not only be a vehicle to raise money for worthwhile causes but would also lead many to the feet of Jesus, our saviour.

Delyth, from Carmarthenshire

7 years ago

May we remember we are all
God’s people. Let us learn to accept each other as God accepts each and every one of us. Each of us deserves compassion and love, no matter from where we originate.

Cathy Clayton, from Wokingham

7 years ago

I pray for An outpouring of the holy spirit upon our land. Lead our nation back to biblical truth. May the word of God be spread in our hearts. Bring salvation to the people in the U.K. Amen. ✝

Caroline, from Havant

7 years ago

God, sometimes people can unintentionally make life harder for others with lazy actions. We pray you help us be aware of how we can make life easier, not harder, for those in our community. Amen.


7 years ago

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