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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Dear Lord
We pray for everyone who is hungry today. The parents who go without food to feed their children. The children crying out for food. May we help them whenever we can. Amen.


7 years ago

Thank you lord that you have shown us the true meaning of love through your son Jesus Christ and that love is the greatest gift you could ever give us. Let us all love like you do. Amen

Michala, from Bury at Edmunds

7 years ago

Loving Father, we pray that seeds will be sown over Christmas so that more people will come to realise that Jesus came to save even them. Amen


7 years ago

Dear Lord Jesus,

I pray that the heart of men in England and Wales will be shifted towards you like times of old. I pray for revival to set loose again and fill this nation. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

Rachelle Peart, from UK

7 years ago

Loving God, thank you for sending us your only begotten son so we may know you better.

Mark., from Coventry.

7 years ago

Thank you, Father, for the gift of your precious son. Help us to remember He is the Reason for the Season. Help us to be grateful for all we have and to remember those who do not. Amen.

Elva, from UK

7 years ago

Thank you Lord that Christmas carols can still be heard in our country. May we continue to have the freedom to celebrate the birth of Jesus

Tricia, from Shenstone

7 years ago

Dear Father, when we are afraid help not to hurt others but to turn to you in the knowledge of your sure hel.


7 years ago

Thank You for the precious gift of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.
May we keep love and thanksgiving in our hearts this Christmas and glorify Your name in word, thought and deed in 2018, by the power of Your Holy Spirit.

Lisa, from UK

7 years ago

Father God, I pray for all those who struggle with mental health issues, that they may know healing and wholeness through you. Amen


7 years ago


Be with those for whom Christmas is not a happy time due to bereavement, illness, poverty, homelessness, refugees and those who are separated from their families. Please comfort them and help us not to forget them in our celebrations. Amen

Katie, from Kent

7 years ago

Dear Lord and Father, we pray that we will stand up and speak out for the oppressed in this world, with Your Voice and Your Words to guide us to work for justice and peace. In Your Name. Amen

Arman, from West Sussex

7 years ago

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