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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Lord, I pray for those who struggle at Christmas whether because of loneliness, depression or missing loved ones.


7 years ago

For respect and understanding between faiths, and an end to persecution.


7 years ago

Dear God,
Please let all the oppressed people in the world know Your presence and warmth this Christmas and always. Give them strength and surround them with supportive people who can help them through the oppression and work to end it.


7 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for all those who are suffering loss this Christmas, and those who face it alone. May you give them strength and help them to carry on.


7 years ago

Lord please open the eyes of those in this world who are lost and hurting. Bring them the peace & comfort that comes from knowing you. Bring wisdom to those in power that they would uphold your laws.

Anonymous, from Leicester UK

7 years ago

That all can hear the good news not just about the baby Jesus but about the man who died to save us


7 years ago

I pray that all who are treated unfairly find strength in you, Heavenly Father, for you love each and everyone of us. Grant peace to the world and help us all to care for each other.


7 years ago

Heavenly Father, please help all those facing the onset of dementia, especially Peter. Please support those around people with dementia to be kind and understanding.


7 years ago

Dear God,
I pray for the people of Syria as they are undergoing a war . I pray that they will be safe and the war will soon finish and the people of Syria will be happy and free again

Esther, from Hertfordshire

7 years ago

This Christmas please reveal yourself to Syrian and other refugees in our country. That they may find you beyond our decorations and expenditure.

Anonymous, from Essex

7 years ago

We often pray for homes for the homeless but some are better at being communities than we are so I pray that just as they look out for eacother on the streets we may learn to make communities ourselves.


7 years ago

Lord Jesus be alongside the weak and vulnerable this Christmas time. Give them courage, strength and hope in your precious name.

Lynne , from Doncaster

7 years ago

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