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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Dear Lord Jesus
Help us to appreciate everything we have and to remember those who are not so lucky especially those who are facing hardship or health issues at this time. For everything you have given us, thank you.


7 years ago

Father, we pray for all those living under oppression. Your love and law encourages all to be loving and caring. Help us to be salt and light in the world.


7 years ago

Lord you came because you love mankind. Help us to show your love in our dealings with our fellow beings. Help us to care. Help us to be aware. Help us to act.

Mary, from Somerset

7 years ago

I pray that the people who are without anyone to show them love and compassion at this special time of the year feel the loving arms of our lord, Jesus Christ
encircle them and they come to know and love him

June, from Halesowen

7 years ago

Thank you for the amazing work that Bible Society do, I pray that this Christmas more people would know then true meaning of Christmas because of them and you will be glorified. Amen.

Anna, from West Midlands

7 years ago

Father God I thank you for coming to us as Jesus to show us how to Live . I pray for our country and all who rule it, grant them wisdom to do the right thing for all.

Christopher Brann, from Bath

7 years ago

Father God. I pray for the children in Syria and give thanks for those agencies and individuals who work to help them. Amen

Carolyn , from South Wales

7 years ago

Father, I pray for your grace, mercy and peace for all facing injustices in this world. In Jesus Name. Amen


7 years ago

Dear gracious Lord. We are lucky to come to know your word and feel your grace. May this be extended to all especially now as we remember the birth of your son our saviour. Amen

Anonymous, from London

7 years ago

Heavenly Father, you offered Christ as an innocent baby. Bless our new grandchild and his parents.


7 years ago

Dear Father Bless all our fellow Christians who are suffering persecution for their beliefs.
Keep them safe and help them to stay strong.
Many of my friends are suffering from illness at the moment - praying for their recovery.


7 years ago

Loving Father,
I thank you and praise your name for all the people in my 73-year long life who have read, explained and opened up to me YOUR WORD. I have been truly blessed. Please. bless The Bible Society work. Amen.

Annie Nason, from The Fens, England

7 years ago

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