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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Lord, we pray that during this Christmas season, people may come to want to know more about The Bible and it's treasures. That they may come to know your love through through the story of Jesus. Amen.


7 years ago

Lord, have Mercy on me a sinner! Send the Holy Spirit to guide me through these coming days and to help me know, love and Worship your Risen Son, my Redeemer, my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen.

Rich, from Essex

7 years ago

Dear Jesus
May people around the world remember the real reason for Christmas this year!


7 years ago

Lord, help my husband and I to be patient as we wait for you to bless our marriage with children. Aid us in knowing that you hold us in your love and have everything in hand. Amen.

Amy, from Lincoln

7 years ago

I pray that the people of the world will learn to be motivated by love and justice, and not hatred and fear.


7 years ago

Father God thank you that your word is so freely available in this country. Please protect this, and enable many to come and read or hear it afresh this Christmas.

Mark, from Chichester

7 years ago

Lots o ask you to be close to all those silent victims of bullying and abuse. Give us eyes to see, hearts to love and move us to godly action. Amen

Liz, from NEWales

7 years ago

Dear lord,we pray for people who have un loving family’s and divorced so they can’t be together at Christmas and so they don’t spend time together. Thank you that Jesus was born and that we have Christmas. Amen

Anonymous aged 7, from Worthing

7 years ago

Lord, Breathe courage in to all who stand frozen in fear or indicision. Stay the hand of those reacting in fear. Act through us to be the sheild for those unable to defend themselves and fearlessly push back. Amen


7 years ago

Thank you for the gift of Christmas. Bless those who are less fortunate. Love x

Debs, from Scotland

7 years ago

Lord be with those who are standing up for the oppressed this Christmas & give them strength. Give me strength to do the same here. Amen


7 years ago

Lord, please give me the strength to make it through this tough time. Help me to fully rely on you & not on my feelings. I love you Jesus, Amen


7 years ago

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