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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

I prayer for all the homeless at this time of year. May they know you are with them. Amen


7 years ago

Lord, I pray for those innocent people, your children, who suffer at the hands of others through no fault of their own. Keep danger afar and protection near. Amen


7 years ago

Father God, thank you for a new day and all my blessings. I pray today for the oppressed throughout the world that they may gain freedom and joy. Please be beside them and walk alongside them. Amen

Nana M, from North East Coast

7 years ago

Dear Lord, thank you for all the blessings You have given me and help me to help those who are less fortunate. Amen


7 years ago

Father, in a world where oppression and darkness still live, help us to bring your love, your light , kindness and justice to all. Give us courage to stand up and strength to being peace.

Beth, from Bournemouth

7 years ago

Lord I ask you to bless my husband and I today as we celebrate 15 years of marriage with a renewal of vows and blessing. We give thanks for the love we share. Amen x

Donna, from Somerset

7 years ago

I pray that people in England and Wales will know that your Word is alive and relevant today. Also, that they would turn to it in times of need or when they need guidance because you speak through the Bible.


7 years ago

God who was once a human baby among the poor and unconsidered, the little ones of this world cry out for Your mercy and justice. May all children come into the circle of Your love and care.

Cheryl Thornett, from Selly Oak, Birmingham

7 years ago

Dear God,

Pray that all of the homeless people get a place to call Home and nice food & drink.

Pray that all of the people with life-changing illnesses get treated and carry on with a marvellous life.

Thank you Lord Jesus,


Anonymous Aged 10, from Worthing

7 years ago

Our Father we pray that the reality of God With Us will touch us all in a new way in the various circumstances of our lives. May the peace of God that passes all understanding envelop us this Christmas.


7 years ago

Lord I prayer for all people who do not yet know you. I pray that during this special time they will see and feel your presence and hear your calling. Open their hearts Lord. Amen


7 years ago

Lord, I pray for those facing Christmas this year without loved ones by their side. May you bless them with peace, comfort and strength to face the day. Amen x


7 years ago

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