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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Praying for all who face their first Christmas following the loss of a loved one. May treasured memories bring you peace and comfort today


7 years ago

Dear Lord, we are so near to celebrating the birth day of your son. For all those born into the world at this time may their future be filled with love and hope for a better world. Amen

Isabel, from peterborough

7 years ago

Dear God
Please keep Emily and her family close to you this Friday during Scott's funeral and please make his family think before they say mean things to her - she is only 21 and needs you right now

Debra Arrigall-Watkins, from Wales

7 years ago

Dear Lord, So many people are suffering from bereavement or illness at this time. Please make them aware of your love and wrap them around your heart. Amen

Pam, from Hamsphire

7 years ago

Father I pray that you will shine your healing light on anyone who needs hope, strength and courage, to sustain them in times of distress of any kind.

Catherine, from Highlands of scotland

7 years ago

Thank you for your persecuted church and for protecting them from violence this Christmas and for pouring out your Spirit on them and also those who don't know You yet.

Chris, from Tonbridge

7 years ago

Dear Lord Thank you for another year. Thank you for mine and my family’s health. Look after the sick over this festive period. Look after the homeless and those displaced by war or fighting. Amen

Catherine, from London

7 years ago

Pray for all those working at Christmas time and help us all to keep focus on the real Christmas. Amen

Steve, from Torquay

7 years ago

Lord, I thank you for the greatest gift of all.
I pray that those who are feeling lonely, especially at this time, will feel Your presence with them and they will receive comfort and have peace.

Steve Curle, from London

7 years ago

Father God, it would be great if more people could take the message of the Bible seriously, come to belief and trust in you following your way of love and care. May your Spirit work this in us all.

Barbara, from Corfe Mullen

7 years ago

Dear Lord God, I pray your peace that surpasses all understanding fills the earth this Christmas & reaches all who need comfort & reassurance. I pray company for all who feel lonely. Amen

Debbie , from South East England

7 years ago

Dear God, please look on us in our weakness and give us the wisdom to make the right choices .Amen.


7 years ago

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