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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Bless the persecuted and help them find safety


7 years ago

Pray for peace in the world for all that are lonely. Pray for my son and daughter for a recovery and peace and that they appreciate their difference is a blessing that will give them strength in time to come

Gaenor, from Wales

7 years ago

Lord Jesus Christ We pray for Pioneer Ministry Training and for the Christian Mission of Mushroom Growing Community (Church) and also for Intergenerational Befriending with School Students (14 to 18) And the Elderly. In Jesus name

Joy Earlesodhi , from Westcliff.O.Sea

7 years ago

Dear Father God we pray for all those living in fear this Christmas, whether that be fear of persecution, war, illness, abuse, financial worries or loss of employment. We ask that your love and peace will be with them. Amen

Jo, from Cheltenham

7 years ago

Dear Lord thank you for loving us so much you let yourSon come to earth as a baby to be our Saviour. Please comfort and shower with your love all those who are lonely, bereaved or suffering this Christmas. Amen

Marie Powell, from Lancaster

7 years ago

Lord, I pray that those who hear the Christmas story this year will realise that its not just a 'story' but the good news that God comes to the outcast, the stranger, the poor and the downtrodden to bring LIFE.

Anne, from Bolton

7 years ago

Dear Lord, Help us all to not fear people who are different and give us strength to stand up for what is right. Please watch over those who are facing unknown and frightening times ahead. Amen.

Janet, from N. Yorks

7 years ago

Pray for our schools - children, staff and governors. I pray especially for those involved in Open the Book, that through their ministry the love and saving grace of God will come alive for those they meet.

Barbara, from Devon

7 years ago

I pray for those who are opressed because their existence threatens the comfort or power of others. Over the Christmas period, feed them, comfort them, strengthen them and enable them to know that your love in unconditional


7 years ago

Loving Lord God
I pray for the least ,the last and the lost that their lives may be filled with the joy you announced that first Christmas.

Christene , from Cloncurry Australia

7 years ago

Loving Father, at this Christmas time when we celebrate the birth of your son we pray that through the power of your Spirit your Word might be a light to those who don't yet know you.

Jennifer, from Oxford

7 years ago

Lord I pray for all those suffering from domestic abuse. I pray that you will sustain them, guide them, and keep them in your care. Amen


7 years ago

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