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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Father God, may Jesus be seen and found and known by one and another this weekend - lives changed by your gift of Grace.

Alastair, from Edinburgh

7 years ago

Lord I ask you to cover Glayne in the shed blood of Jesus Father, healing every part of her body and taking her pain away! Let her know you will never leave her not forsake her, Amen

Kerry, from Stevenage

7 years ago

Loving Lord God, I pray for all who are oppressed or ill-treated in any way. May your love comfort them in their hour of need


7 years ago

For all of our ministers both ornained and lay to receive strength, wisdom and grace as they are there for those in need.

Clare Ann, from Bridlington

7 years ago

I pray for the oppressed and those being treated unfairly in this world. Help them to know that you love them

Lena , from Devon

7 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for all those who have to follow you in secret. I pray that things will improve, so that they can shout about your love for all people. Keep them safe and well. Amen

Jo, from Hampshire

7 years ago

Praying for all the people of Yemen and Palestine, that so called religious people around them will hear the voice of God over mammon and return to a path of humanity

Nerys, from Yorkshire

7 years ago

I pray that we value your word this Christmas and have stillness to be in your presence amongst the chaos ! Amen

Janice, from Southport

7 years ago

Lord, I lift up to you all those who are oppressed, down trodden and who have no hope. During this time and in the future Lord be all that they need, sustain them and bring your peace. Amen


7 years ago

Lord I pray for your peace and love to shine through us all , in all we thinks, say and do, this Christmas and for ever.

Mary, from England

7 years ago

I pray for health and wealth for all my family and friend's relatives this year. Let them realise the power of prayer!


7 years ago

Dear lord, please continue to give me and my family strength during a hard Christmas. Amen


7 years ago

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