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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Dear Father,
As we celebrate the birth of Your Son please help us to remember how He reached out to those society had rejected, and make us prepared to follow His example whatever the cost?

Jen, from Devon

7 years ago

Loving Father I hold before you Caroline and Brian driving now to Jimmys in Leeds where a bed has just become available for him. May your word and your love be in their hearts to calm and sustain them.

Beryl, from N.Yorks

7 years ago

Lord I pray for all those who are lonely, without family or friends at this time of year. May they know that You are their family and You are always with them.

Rita, from Godalming

7 years ago

I pray for God's peace, healing and comfort for the bereaved, the lost, the lonely and the displaced this Christmas. I pray for reconciliation for families torn apart by anger, hurt and mistrust. I pray for peace.

Sheila, from High Wycombe

7 years ago

Dear Lord I ask that the true meaning of Christmas will touch the heart of each child & parent taking part or watching nativity plays and each one will come to know and serve you. Amen

Anonymous, from Isle of Man

7 years ago

We pray for all Christians who live under oppression in the world. Lord give them your strength and peace to live their lives in the knowledge of knowing they are loved by humanity and by you. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Anonymous, from East Sussex

7 years ago

I pray for my family who are my whole world, but also for anyone who feels alone or rejected and is angry. Lord help me to not hurt anyone with my own anger. Amen

Katie , from Farehan

7 years ago

Lord, thank you that you love us with an everlasting love; that your draw us with loving kindness- that You rebuild and we will be rebuilt. Let us be a reflection of this love to those around us. Amen

Aimee, from Plymouth

7 years ago

Heavenly father I ask you to look after the people of the world and those who may be less fortunate than ourselves. I cherish the special time with my family in preparation of the coming of our Lord Jesus Amen

Ruth, from Bognor Regis

7 years ago

Pray for all the oppressed and those who are struggling at this time of year. Xx

Anonymous, from UK

7 years ago

Please guide our country's leaders as they face and make difficult decisions on a daily basis. Fill their hearts with your live and compassion, that they may be open to your prompting.


7 years ago

My God’s grace be upon all who are grieving. May you all find comfort in his everlasting love. For grief is like an ocean wild and ferocious. But the Lord calms that ocean and sends his peace within. 🙏🏻

Anonymous, from Essex

7 years ago

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