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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

In the glory of God the father who made us all in his own image, I pray that now and in the the coming year, that we seek to find that which unites us.


7 years ago

Father God during this season those who venture to a service would hear and receive the good news You came to bring, embolden those bringing the word make all of us aware of new people among us.

Heather, from Stoke on Trent

7 years ago

Lord, I play for Theresa May. May she know your love and grace and follow your will in her decisions for our country. May choices be made peacefully and with consideration for others. Amen.


7 years ago

Father God
We hold up to you all those whose first thought is fear when they wake up this morning.
Fill their hearts with the knowledge of your love, your peace and your hope.


7 years ago

We thank you God for our families - their support & love when needed. But we pray for those estranged from their families, especially at this time. We pray for the homeless & victims of domestic abuse. God Bless them


7 years ago

Father, thank you for all the good work of the Bible Society. Bless all those lives who are touched by the Bible Society; and those who work for the Bible Society.


7 years ago

I pray that people all around the world would know the true meaning of Christmas.


7 years ago

Lord, may we be people of faith who welcome the marginalised with love, grace, and humility. May we always heed your call to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and welcome refugees.

Trevor, from Herne Hill

7 years ago

I pray for people to love the moment they exist in and that they be filled with calm and peace.


7 years ago

I pray that u God will keep safe our grandchildren in this festive time and whatever they do let them know all about u and that they find in hearts to forgive


7 years ago

Thank you lord that you are the God who sees the injustice in the world. Please be with those who are treated unfairly.


7 years ago

Father we lift to you families of prisoners. Pour upon them your peace and comfort. For those imprisoned unfairly I pray for justice and that the truth will be seen. For prisoners help them know you.

Juliet, from Watford

7 years ago

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