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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

I pray for Jerusalem and all the peoples, Israeli and Palestinian, of the region. May they know peace in their hearts and in their land.

Martin, from Somerset

7 years ago

Almighty God we pray for our brothers and sisters being oppressed this day - have mercy.
Remind them that you are their strength & shield and grant them the faith to see that there is always hope.


7 years ago

Dear Lord, prayer for all the people in the world who are treated unfairly. Give them wisdom, guidance and strength to over come it. Protect them in all they do.



7 years ago

Father God I pray for our village, that those of us who know You would be a light shining to lead others to You. And be with families who are grieving or suffering with financial difficulties. Thanks for Your love!

Karen , from Gornal

7 years ago

Father I thank you for the greatest gift o all. Salvation. I pray that this gift will reach so many more people, including my family. In Jesus Christ name.


7 years ago

Lord, be with all of the victims of the Grenfell Tower tragedy as they prepare for a Christmas facing the loss of homes and loved ones. Send them support and love.


7 years ago

Dear Father God, some people are sick, some people have no home, watch over them please. Keep Santa safe when he delivers the presents to the world. If he gets stuck in the chimney he needs to shout. Amen

Franny aged 3

7 years ago

Lord, draw closer to my younger brother. Let him see and know your comfort more so that he may no longer seek it in the bottle. Let him feel that we love him. Help me be courageous to show him.

Siobhan, from Watford

7 years ago

Dear Lord
At this time of celebration let us not forget what we are celebrating, help us to focus on the reason you were born to bring peace and joy to the world for everyone help us spread your word.

Kathryn, from Nottingham

7 years ago

Remember all those who are suffering in any way. At the find help, comfort and love in all those people around them this Christmas time.


7 years ago

Loving Father,
Keep those who suffer with anxiety along a steady pathway to recovery, freedom and peace in their lives.

Jon Kersey, from Southborough, Kent

7 years ago

I pray father God that all the work to do with the Bible will be in your name and that more people in the world will be able to hear about the Bible. Amen


7 years ago

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