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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Father God, I pray for all the people in the world to be able to enjoy Christmas . Amen

Leah Hope Parkes, from Birmingham

7 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father, we pray for those who are homeless this Christmas and also for those who will be alone. May they know your presence with them and may we be aware of their situation.


7 years ago

Father God I pray that we each know your love surrounding us and your hope and peace this Christmas. I particularly lift up those who are suffering from persecution and unfair treatment, may they know your love right now. Amen.


7 years ago

I Pray for a significant reawakening of our Christian heritage in schools across Great Britain and a breaking down of anything that stands in the way of that happening. So chidren can learn about Jesus life in our schools again

Neil, from Crawley

7 years ago

Help us, Light of the world, to shine the light of your love and your Word into the dark places of our world.


7 years ago

Thank you Father for this joyful time of year. I pray that the Good News does not get swept aside amidst all the festivities but that we can make it the centre of celebration wherever we are


7 years ago

I pray for the people who don't know you Lord. Particularly the disabled for whome getting access to fellowship can be difficult. I thank you for the organisations who are part of Churches For All who support us.

Anonymous, from Dover

7 years ago

I pray for my persecuted brothers and sisters in Egypt, that they may be able to celebrate Christ's birth free from harm and without fear.

David, from Cheshire

7 years ago

Lord, I pray for all those spending Christmas in prison, especially those who struggle with mental health and find it hard to come to terms with their guilt and shame. Lord, thank you for your saving grace for all.

Julie, from Bucks

7 years ago

Father God, I declare revival in London. I declare healing over everyone suffering with mental illness. I declare boldness in spreading Your word to the lost in our city .Guide and bless our country's leaders .In Jesus Name Amen.

Karen Hayward, from London

7 years ago

Help us to be the church for those in need so that they might see something of the love of God


7 years ago

Dear Lord, please be with all those without a home to go to this Christmas, keep them safe Lord, and watch over them. God bless them we pray x


7 years ago

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