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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Holy Spirit I pray you'd give peace, protection & safety to people around the world who are being oppressed & mistreated. We declare freedom & hope to them in Jesus' powerful name!

Sarah, from Manchester

7 years ago

Dear Lord, we pray for all the homeless, the displaced and those fleeing in fear this Christmas. May they find shelter in your loving arms, now & forever. Amen

Karen Watson

7 years ago

Dear Lord. You understand what it is to be a refugee, homeless, poor and marginalised. You experienced these things in your childhood. Lord be real to young and old who are vulnerable and oppressed today. May they see you. Amen

Val, from North Somerset

7 years ago

Lord, thank you for the peace and comfort you have brought us over this holiday season. I pray for those living in fear that they may know you and be comforted x

Jacs, from Wales

7 years ago

I pray for Peace throughout the world and that all people be equal.
Special prayers for a friend who has just been diagnosed with cancer.
Thanks to God for Kelly's end to treatments for cancer and her positive outlook.


7 years ago

Heavenly Father - help us to share the good news that Jesus came to bring us peace in our hearts, peace with God, and peace in the world. Show us our part in bringing your peace to people today. Amen

Janet , from Birmingham

7 years ago

Dear Father,
Please help us to remember all those for whom Christmas is a sad, lonely or meaningless time. Please show us how we can help them to know that you are there for them.


7 years ago

We pray that over this celebration season your name would be lifted high for others to see. May you be at the centre this Christmas.


7 years ago

Dear Lord. Please be with all who are oppressed or live their lives in fear for whatever reason. Help me to have compassion for all & to act where I see injustice. Thank you for every blessing . Amen

Christine, from Wales

7 years ago

Lord Father, please bless all the people who are working hard over the Christmas period to help and look after others. Help those who find Christmas a difficult time for whatever reason. Thank you

Anna, from Andover

7 years ago

Loving God, we pray for all those who will be spending Christmas away from home - those in hospital, refugees, the homeless and those who long for home. Amen

Debs, from Enville

7 years ago

Lord, please help all those caught up in war. Fill the hearts of all nation's leaders with your love, so that they will work towards peace. Amen

Sue, from Berkshire

7 years ago

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