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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Dear Lord
Thank you for all we have received from you and especially for the wonder and renewed hope which comes this Christmas with our celebration of the birth of your Son whose life and death changed the world.

Suzie, from Tyneside

7 years ago

Father I pray for all oppressed Christians around your world. May they continue to know your love and celebrate Christmas in peace. Amen

Anonymous, from Nottinghamshire

7 years ago

Father God.
Please work within my marriage and all those marriages in the world. Bring us closer to you, closer to each other and under your love.
Thank you for your grace. In Jesus name. Amen!


7 years ago

Lord I pray for those in need this Christmas. May they feel Your love surrounding them and may they be blessed abundantly!

Katie, from Dorset

7 years ago

Dear God
Please watch over people in need.
Be with us during this Christmas season, particularly the children attending our nativity trails today.

Linda , from Buckley

7 years ago

I pray that this Christmas those who are alone, afraid and in pain will receive God’s Peace. May the light of the Christ Child shine in the darkness.

Melissa , from Maidstone

7 years ago

Dear Lord hold in your tender care all those without homes, refugees, the displaced, the rejected.

Julia, from Oxford

7 years ago

Please help and bless my daughter’s friends on the tragic loss of a their friend. Let them feel your presence as they grief. I pray for peace in today’s world. Please give me the strength at this time of year.


7 years ago

Heavenly Father. We pray for all those facing oppression of any kind, here or overseas. Walk with them and show them your comfort and Light. Inspire each of us to real and concrete action in your name. Amen


7 years ago

Father I thank you that you want to set us to have freedom from fear. I pray for thoes who are acting out of fear for their own livelihood. I pray that your peace and reassurance will be with them

Anonymous, from London

7 years ago

Father God,

Your heart is for those who are powerless. Give those who are weak a voice today and open our eyes to the people around us who need our help. May we be your hands and feet.


Becky, from Dorset

7 years ago

Dear God
I pray for families around the world at this Christmas time. May there be peace in the homes and not discord. May they remember the reason we celebrate Christmas. God’s love for a broken world. AMEN


7 years ago

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