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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Father God, Thank you for your Word - and it's challenges. Thank you that all you offer me, you offer to all - whoever and wherever we are. Help us to see you in each other. Amen.

J, from West Yorkshire

7 years ago

Dear Lord Jesus, please in your grace & kindness give peace & wisdom to all of us this Christmas. From my lips to God's ear. Amen

Toni , from Wellingborough

7 years ago

Heavenly father, single-parent families are becoming more common. Give strength to the parents, and show the family that with You, the family is complete.

Liz, from Basildon

7 years ago

Dear Father God may we remember the love you sent down at Christmas all year long. Help us to share that love all year long with those who have yet to meet you. Amen

Ruth, from Scotland

7 years ago

Father God, I pray for all those living in fear of their spouse this Christmas. Cover them with your hand Lord and protect them. Give them the courage to leave and find a place of safety for them. Amen.

Catherine , from Bristol

7 years ago

I pray for all those Palestinians who are living in Israel. May world leaders to make decisions to free them from their oppression. May they be treated with respect and live without fear of losing their homes.

Caroline, from Coventry

7 years ago

Heavenly Father, be with and protect the down trodden this Christmas time. Let their voices be heard and let us stand up for them. Amen

Mat, from West Yorkshire

7 years ago

I prayer for all those for whom this Christmas will be a sad and lonely time, that they may experience the loving embrace of their heavenly Father


7 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for all those oppressed, unable to stand up and be counted.
Give them peace in their hearts and hope for their future, knowing that you never leave them. Amen

Carolyn, from Stoke on trent

7 years ago

Dear Father. I pray for all people who are living on the streets. Who have no warm house to return to each day. I pray they may know your love and your presence with them. Amen.


7 years ago

Father, I pray for all who are persecuted because of their belief in Jesus, who was born to bring peace. Help us, in our turn, to be tolerant of others who do not share our faith in you.


7 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father I ask that You be present in all my work today and give me strength integrity and compassion to stand up for oppressed or bullied people and those who are often ignored. Amen

Helen, from Uk

7 years ago

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