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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Lord, we pray for our security forces - thank you that they have been keeping us as safe as we are, and we pray for your continued wisdom and vigilance.


7 years ago

Father, may the peace of your Son Yeshua be known, felt & experienced today. May all people know that God came as a baby to die for all. Come Yeshua into our world and transform, restore and embolden. Amen.

John, from Scotland

7 years ago

Heavenly Father I pray that the Bible and all its words and teachings will reach the hearts of those that are new to it. Amen

Denise, from Chipping Norton

7 years ago

Dear Lord,
I lift those tho you who do not feel safe this Christmas. Those who do not know your love and the real reason for our celebrations. Be with them and know them that they might know you. Amen.

Janine, from Bucks

7 years ago

Lord I pray for those around the world who are oppressed and don't live in freedom. May they come to know freedom in you. Increase our faith that oppression can be broken down. Amen

Kathryn, from Manchester

7 years ago

Praying for all those who are homeless this Christmas.

Denise, from Coventry

7 years ago

Father God
You are there to guide us, support us, love us and care for us. At this time of year please help us to guide our children, support those in need, love all our neighbours and care for our world.

Caroline, from Bristol

7 years ago

Lord, bring peace and comfort to those who mourn at this time. Amen


7 years ago

You know my prayer and I know it will be answered in Your time. Through Your Holy Spirit guide me please as to what I should do.
In Jesus name

Delight In Nature, from UK

7 years ago

Dear Lord
Look down on those treated by oppression and inequality
Help us all to regard those who look differently - speak differently - behave differently
to be treated by us with the words - LEAVE THEM in Gods name

Susan, from Worcestershire

7 years ago

I pray for my old school friend Sally. Thank you, Father, that she has had such a blessed life. Please open her eyes to you and your love. Help her find Jesus this Christmas.

Gordon, from Glasgow

7 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father, for all those across your world who are frightened, lonely, oppressed, hungry, fighting ill health or are in danger. I lift them up to you, bless them, draw close to them and let them feel your love,

Karen, from Suffolk

7 years ago

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