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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Lord, please be with all those who are suffering in this time when people are often too busy to notice others. Let your love shine through. Amen


7 years ago

Jesus, be with all people who are vulnerable, especially because of their mental health. Let them know your presence. Bless us with the courage to find room in our minds and hearts to reach out to them. Amen

Kathryn, from South coast

7 years ago

Lord, we are so blessed we don't know what it is to be oppressed. Yet so many in our world live in fear. Bless them this day and may they find hope and your peace during this season. Amen

Pauline, from Wigan

7 years ago

I pray everyone is listened to and Christianity is part of Xmas and not ignored

Debbie and Liam, from Chesterfield

7 years ago

You knew torment from others and being treated badly. Lift up all those who are oppressed today. Encourage them. Send one of your children to support them and live them. Amen

Gillian, from Hillsborough

7 years ago

Heavenly Father, be with all those who suffer oppression and injustice. We pray for those who work for peace and reconciliation. Give us all the strength to stand up for what is right.


7 years ago

Thank you god for my toys and my friends and my family, please pray for all my family and friends in the world,at this special time.

Abigail Thornton, from Westhoughton

7 years ago

Lord I pray for the Syrian refugees, the Rohingya Muslims, the lower classes in India, for refugees stuck in Calais or stranded in Lesvos and anyone else being treated unfairly in this world. Lord we ask you to intervene. Amen

Tracey, from Somerset

7 years ago

Lord, please be with those who are fighting against your truth and knowing you. Please soften their hearts and heal what is causing their rebelliousness.
Thank you for your love and joy. You are so kind!

Niki, from Bristol

7 years ago

Heavenly Father
As many of us are preparing to spend time with those dearest to us we ask you for strength for all those who are not as fortunate ourselves; we pray especially for those who are displaced from families.


7 years ago

Dear Father, please help those living in fear, suffering and want to know that you see their pain and hear their prayers and help those with the means to help them to find ways to do so. Thank you. Amen

Rosie, from Hampshire

7 years ago

May your faith be strengthened by love and your hope ignited by the Holy Spirit. Wishing everyone may know the Lords peace and comfort at this time xx

Michelle , from Yorkshire

7 years ago

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