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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Thank you Lord for an important answer to our prayers yesterday we can cast all our care on you confidently


7 years ago

Lord, please be with those who are being treated unfairly at work but won't complain because they are afraid of the consequences. Please put in place people who will stand up for them and make employers more sympathetic. Amen

Anonymous, from Bristol

7 years ago

I pray for peace and healing over Christmas!!
I pray for answer to previous prayers!!
Thank you Lord for already blessing me more than I deserve!!


7 years ago

May our Christmas be a time of healing, giving and sharing, May your spirit be with us as we share in Jesus blessed birth.

Sarah jane, from Wales

7 years ago

Lord I pray for all those people that have lost loved ones at this time of year, please assure them they are not alone as You are with them wherever they may be and that we are praying for them.


7 years ago

Dear Lord, we pray for the governments of the world that they may lead with your wisdom, guidance, mercy, grace and light. We pray they all strive for peace in your world. For your sake and in your name. Amen

Arman, from West Sussex

7 years ago

Dear lord, I thank you for the people you have put in place to rule over us. Each person has been put their for a reason and I pray for your blessings to be upon them each day.


7 years ago

Father God
I pray that you give our leaders good rest this Christmas and that they will be open to hear from you. Always. Amen.


7 years ago

Heavenly Father, please bless and encourage our MPs and all County, District and Local councillors. May they act with courage and integrity in all things for the good of all and for your glory. Amen.

Maria, from Cambridgeshire

7 years ago

We pray Lord that you will give all leaders strength, courage and guidance to guide all countries in the way of justice and of peace, in the hope of a world free of war and terrorism. Amen.

Sarah, from Birmingham

7 years ago

Father, I pray for those involved in the Brexit negotiations, that they may be guided by your wisdom.


7 years ago

Father, thank you for the authorities. We pray for wisdom, strength & discernment for Theresa May, the government & all leaders around the world. We pray Holy Spirit that you will lead, guide & protect them miraculously now & always.


7 years ago

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