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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Pray for all involved in the ongoing situation regarding Brexit. father give them wisdom and the compassion to act justly

Dora, from Sheffield

7 years ago

Lord, I pray for Teresa May, that you would inspire her profoundly, that you would convict get deeply, that you would open her eyes to your will for this country, particularly regarding the country's relationship with Europe . Amen


7 years ago

Lord we pray for Donald Trump that he would be in awe of you and what you have done for us this Christmas. Lord help him to look up and consider the stars and the works of your hand.


7 years ago

Dear Lord, I bring to you Teresa May our Prime Minister. Guide her to the Truth and give her the courage to open her heart to Your Way. Reveal to her what you want for our Country. Amen.

Margaret, from Dorset

7 years ago

I pray for the local MP and for all local politicians that they may have the strength to do what is right even when they are under immense pressure to satisfy other interests.

Rosi, from Hereford

7 years ago

I pray for Johnathon Djogoly my local MP that as he prepares for Christmas he will understand more of who Jesus was and what Jesus's priorities and values were. I pray he will see Jesus clearly and be changed

Emily, from Huntingdon

7 years ago

I prayer for our prime minister Theresa May. I pray she knows the Lords wisdom in the difficult choices that are ahead of her. I pray for wisdom and patience for those around her helping with decision making.

Amy, from Lancaster

7 years ago

I pray for our local MP that they might know Jesus and be a force for good in the world even where there may be great pressure not to.

Anonymous, from Essex

7 years ago

I pray for my local MP Joan Ryan that she might know Jesus as her Saviour and peace only he brings.
I am thankful and pray too for wisdom in all she does for her constituents.

Sharon Collins , from London

7 years ago

I pray that Gill Furniss MP would have a restful and refreshing Christmas time, and thank her for the loyal service she gives to Sheffield.

Mark, from Sheffield

7 years ago

Praying for the Councillors and staff at Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council as they work through a difficult time. May all decisions be made for the good of the people they serve.


7 years ago

Praying for our MP Jeremy Quin, for wisdom and for courage to speak out and to fight for truth, justice and the oppressed. There are so many people in great need who need help.


7 years ago

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