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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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‘Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. In Jesus name.Amen.


7 years ago

Father God, thank you for your love and faithfulness. We pray for William and Kate bringing up their family in the public eye, that you would give them wisdom and grace. Please protect little George, Charlotte and the baby. Amen.


7 years ago

Give wisdom our government, MPs of all parties and EU leaders as they cope with Brexit.

Trevor, from Herne Hill

7 years ago

Heavenly father,
May the way we witness at Christmas and thoughout the year, show poeple how to live. Bless the men and women who make important decisions about our lives; may yours be the quiet voice of reason in their heads.


7 years ago

Heavenly Father
We pray that all world leaders will recognise your son as the true Prince of Peace; the only one who can bring about genuine reconciliation and healing among the nations.

Cynthia, from Dorset

7 years ago

Lord I pray for the leaders of our land. Give them wisdom and integrity at all times. I pray for our church leaders that their voices will be heard.

Cheryl, from Kent

7 years ago

Lord we pray for all those in leadership within the UK, that they may be given your wisdom to make sound and fair decisions. May they be ever mindful of those less fortunate as themselves.

Keeva Austin, from Stratford upon Avon

7 years ago

Dear God, thank you for your mercy, please give wisdom to me and my colleagues as we discuss and vote on Local reorganisation tomorrow evening. Show us your will lord, for the best interests of our constituents
In Jesus name

Sarah, from East Dorset

7 years ago

Dear Lord and Father, I pray for Theresa May to maintain her integrity and faith in the face of difficult negotiations. Whatever our views , good leadership is essential at this time. I pray for a spirit of co-operation inparliament.

Christine, from Bristol area

7 years ago

Oh Lord, I pray for Teresa May. Help her and guide her through Your Word - give her Your wisdom so she can lead this country well. Thank you Lord Jesus Amen


7 years ago

Lord Jesus I pray for your favour in UK. Bless our leaders and give them your wisdom. Guide them as they lead us. May we thrive as a nation. In Jesus Name. Amen

Monica, from Woking

7 years ago

Lord we pray for all the leaders in church that they would feel brave and encourage children in our church and in all churches. Amen

Steffan Davies, from Bromsgrove, England

7 years ago

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