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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Father God, thank you for those who lead our country. I pray that you would make yourself known to them and they would be filled with peace. May you give them strength to lead with wisdom and integrity . Amen.

Sarah, from Ontario

7 years ago

Heavenly Father,

I pray for Guernsey’s ESC Commitee as they undergo change in leadership and make some important decisions about our education system. Please bless them with your wisdom, guidance and encouragement. Thank you God.


Katie, from Guernsey

7 years ago

Dear Father in heaven, please bless the fathers in this nation. At this time where everything is upside down, and confusion reigns, shine Your light in the darkness. Help fathers to be the spiritual leaders you called them to be.

Maressa, from Eastcombe

7 years ago

Father God, please direct our politicians and those that are in positions where they need to make decisions about people’s well being and our country. May You be glorified always!


7 years ago

I pray that you will bring compassion, honesty and wisdom to leaders throughout your world that they will bring bring peace, justice, security and prosperity to all people.
In Jesus's name. Amen

Penny, from Leicestershire

7 years ago

Please prayer for all those in leadership and prayer that they make the right decisions for the people of our country and the whole world.


7 years ago

Please raise up more leaders in all areas of our society who recognise you are God, hidden and revealed in splendor, and can think hard how to reflect that in their sphere of work.


7 years ago

Please help Theresa May to remember that she is the leader of all people in the UK - especially those who feel left behind.


7 years ago

I pray that Teresa May and our government will negotiate a wise and just departure of our country from the EU and that the UK will prosper in every way, in the name of Jesus

Maggi Bridgman, from Southsea, Hampshire

7 years ago

Please bless and watch over Theresa May and her team as they move to next difficult stage of negotiations over exiting the EU.

Jason, from Dalrymple, Scotland

7 years ago

I pray that all leaders make right decisions to help all members of society especially those in most need. Amen


7 years ago

I pray for our MP Chris Matheson. May he continue to listen to and act on behalf of the public with dignity and courage. He has stood for our values and honours the position we have placed him in.

Maireanne, from Chester

7 years ago

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