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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

I pray for our MP Chris Matheson. May he continue to listen to and act on behalf of the public with dignity and courage. He has stood for our values and honours the position we have placed him in.

Maireanne, from Chester

7 years ago

Lord we pray for all our politicians that they will be given wisdom and compassion. We pray that they will work to understand both the needs of their constituency and of the country at large.

Anonymous, from Hampshire

7 years ago

I pray that all those in power follow the teachings of God and lead with a heart full of love and faith xx

Claire, from Hereford

7 years ago

Lord I ask you to protect all of our leaders. I pray that they will hear your voice speaking to them in amongst all the other voices and that they will obey your word to them.


7 years ago

Our Father in heaven, please protect Rosie Duffield MP for Canterbury. Please give her wisdom to be an instrument of your righteousness and justice.

Gerald and Lina Selous, from Astana

7 years ago

Lord I pray for our government and local leaders, that you would open their eyes to your ways and their hearts to obedience. Please guide them, grant wisdom and discernment.

Rachael, from Ludlow

7 years ago

Please Lord give wisdom to our leaders, guide them. Forgive us as a nation for turning from You. Lead us back, so we may give you glory, thanks and praise.

Sara, from Hertfordshire

7 years ago

Thank you for all the people who are leaders in our country. Help them to make good decisions to help everyone.

Julia, from Yeovil

7 years ago

I pray for our MP and all councilors that they make wise decisions for our town and country and be guided by You, God. Amen

Christine , from Ipswich

7 years ago

Heavenly Father, thank you for the church leaders you have risen up and are developing. Thinking about a world leaders I pray that you would help them to govern not for themselves and their voters but for all in society

L, from South

7 years ago

Thank you so much for all the Tim Farron does fighting for all the worth while causes and things that matter in the South Lakes. Please help him and his family to have a restful Christmas.

Tina, from Cumbria

7 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for our leaders


7 years ago

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