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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Father, I pray that you would bless our politicians with your heavenly wisdom and that they would see your solutions to challenges and problems that people face. I pray that they would be moved by your heart for the world.


7 years ago

Dear Lord,
I pray for everyone who is a leader, for them to see the poverty around them and want to do so.ething about it practical and not just words.

Deena, from Hull

7 years ago

Lord, i pray that you give all the leaders wisdom to know how to handle difficult situations and how to perform matters in a godly manner


7 years ago

Father God, open up the hearts of all politicians & leaders. Let them hear your voice in all that they do. Guide them all in their daily decisions. I pray particularly for all involved in Brexit and for President Trump.

Tanya, from London

7 years ago

Praying for all the leaders of our country and thanking God for them. Praying for wisdom and integrity in all they do. I want to hold up Owen Smith to you and ask that you will give him strength.

Owen Smith, from Cross Inn, Pontyclun

7 years ago

Lord I pray for all the politicians currently involved in the negotiations with Europe. That they will be lead by you in and act in the interests of the whole of Europe. Give them wisdom . Amen


7 years ago

Heavenly Father, although I no longer live in the UK, I pray for this land. May leaders lead with integrity and wisdom and hear your voice above the clamour of different interests. Amen.

Anonymous, from Lile

7 years ago

Father thank you for our elected leaders. We pray particularly for Christian MPs, that they would stand by biblical principles as they represent us and that the Bible basis of law in our country would be maintained and upheld.


7 years ago

Lord bless our political leaders with Your wisdom. Help them to make Godly decisions as they seek to lead this country. Amen


7 years ago

Lord let those who lead us feel your gentle hand guiding them; and giving them the wisdom to make true and just decisions on the best way forward for us as a nation. Amen


7 years ago

Abba Father - please touch the hearts of all leaders across Your world. That they would truly act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with You. In the mighty name of Jesus Amen

Nicky , from Maulden Bedfordshire

7 years ago

Dear Lord,
Please guide all those who are in government so that they may work tirelessly for a just, safe and loving society where the poor, cold, hungry and homeless are brought into the warmth and shelter of your love. Amen

Sheila, from High Wycombe

7 years ago

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