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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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I pray for Teresa May and the Brexit agreement for more help from the EU side. To speed up the process and be less greedy. Also for her and her government to support the poor and struggling this Christmas.

Joy EARLESODHI , from Westcliff.O.Sea

7 years ago

Heavenly Father, please guide Theresea May on the issue of Brexit. Give the both sides the gift of wisdom and discernment. Thank you loving Father, in Jesús’ name, Amen x

Helen, from Horsham

7 years ago

Loving God, I pray that through the power of your Holy Spirit you will give wisdom, strength and discernment to those on both sides, involved in sorting out the issue of Brexit. I pray especially for Theresa May. amen

Wendy, from Stevenage

7 years ago

Dear and merciful Lord, please give your guidance to Boris Johnson as he seeks to find a way to release Nazinin Radcliffe back into the loving arms of her family.
I pray also for the release of John Cantile.

Mary , from Bedford

7 years ago

Lord, please guide our local and national leaders here in Stoke-on-Trent, and let their minds and hearts be focused on you as we celebrate Jesus's birth.


7 years ago

Dear Lord I pray for all politicians dealing with the whole horrible Brexit situation. Give them the wisdom to make the right decisions. Amen 🙏

Jeanet, from Chelmsford

7 years ago

Father, I pray for Borris Johnson in Iran. That he may have tact and wisdom when speaking with their government to try to bring about the release of nazanin ratcliffe. I lift up her husband and daughter too.


7 years ago

Heavenly Father I pray you would give wisdom to our UK politicians, guide their decision making and encourage them. In particular I'd like to pray for Christian MPs, help them to shine your light in parliament, Amen.


7 years ago

Lord bless our politicians and leaders in our country. Give them wisdom and integrity and raise up people who are not afraid to stand by their convictions.


7 years ago

Heavenly Father,
Bless all our politicians. Bless their marriages, their families, their homes. Bless their health, and for those who are unwell, we say 'Be healed, in the name of Jesus' . Lord, let your glory fall. Amen.


7 years ago

Dear Lord, please be with all those in power around the world. Help them to make right decisions and to work for peace and justice. Change the hearts of those who oppress and mistreat others. In your precious name Amen


7 years ago

Dear Father, I pray for the Prime Minister and all those in government, please guide them with your wisdom. I pray that you will give Christian politians your holy boldness so to stand up for you. Amen


7 years ago

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