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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Support and guide all leaders, to bring peace out of war and terror, equality out of wealth and poverty and health out of famine and disease.


7 years ago

Father God, I pray for you to guide all those in power globally, nationally and locally to do Your will and nurture your creation allowing all people to live in peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Louise, from England

7 years ago

We pray for Theresa May as she leads the country through difficult times and the ups and downs of the Brexit negotiations. Please give her wisdom and patience and guide her in all she does.


7 years ago

I pray that the Lord guides the leaders of the lands where Jesus walked work together to find a way to live together in peace. Guide all world leaders to work for peace in Bible Lands. Amen

Joan, from Derbyshire

7 years ago

We pray for local MPs, that you would give them wisdom and strength to make wise decisions and care for those they serve.

Helen, from London

7 years ago

Lord God please guide the leaders in the Uk and abroad with your Holy Spirit. Help them to make the right decisions and glorify you. Reveal your truth to them in Jesus name. Amen

Christian, from England

7 years ago

Lord, please let leaders of all countries be filled with your Holy Spirit, that they may act in justice, love and integrity. Let them not be motivated by self-interest or partisan interests. Protect the weak and vulnerable.

Fi, from Ireland

7 years ago

Lord, I ask that you bless all leaders in the world. Give them the strength to make Just and moral decisions for the good of their people and the world. I ask this in your son, our Redeemers name. Amen

Heather , from Vancouver, BC, Canada

7 years ago

Praying for all world leaders and all members of the British Government that they may seek to do what is right and just for all people.

Kathryn, from Staffordshire Moorlands

7 years ago

I pray that all politicians will stop trying to put one over on each other and work thereto on the best Brexit deal for Britain.

Val, from Oxfordshire

7 years ago

Father God, bless our politicians, local and national, and guide their decisions to be for your glory. Amen

Kate, from Oxfordshire

7 years ago

Praying for Theresa May and our Government as they seek to lead our country in these turbulent times. May you reign over our country and guide our leaders in their daily decisions.


7 years ago

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