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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Father God, thank you for those who have the hard job of overseeing our hospitals and schools. Give them wisdom and integrity and a listening heart. Amen

Anonymous, from Somerset

7 years ago

Praying for Luke pollard as he fights for more rights for the Plymouth people help him to stay grounded by seeing the city as made up of individuals and to keep looking for ways to support and champion them.


7 years ago

Dear Lord, Please Bless everyone in the news, please Bless our Royal Family and please Guide our Government with your wisdom, integrity,respect, morality, care and peace. For Your Sake and in Your Name. Amen

Miss Arman Masters, from West Sussex

7 years ago

God bless, protect and encourage John Sentamu. He is a great man, an inspirational leader, and a principled Christian. We are lucky to have him, and I thank God for his example to us all.

Sally, from France

7 years ago

We pray for Theresa May at this time of huge change in our country. Give her your wisdom, strength, courage and peace in all that she does. Amen


7 years ago

I live in Northern Ireland and I pray for peace and reconciliation for everyone this Christmas


7 years ago

We give thanks for those who serve in parliament and give a voice to those who have no voice. Please help them to serve with integrity and to seek wisdom above status. Amen

Jeanie, from Bradford

7 years ago

Almighty God, send your Spirit on those whose decisions affect the lives of so many. Guide them in your ways of justice and peace, that they may act in love and compassion. Amen.


7 years ago

Dear Lord,
I prayer for all the leaders that they get wisdom and understanding. I pray that they think it through and make the right decision for the country.

Annmerlin, from Birmingham

7 years ago

Dear Lord
I pray for all our leaders that you might give them wisdom to make the right decisions to bring this world and your people closer to you and bring peace to this troubled world Amen

Gina Kerr, from Devon

7 years ago

Dear Lord, I ask for wisdom and guidance for Theresa May, Boris Johnson and all in leadership, including the ordinary MPs who work so hard for ordinary people. Amen

Tina, from Somerset

7 years ago

Dear Lord, may you guide our government to lead our country with truth and integrity. May you give them the wisdom to help the poor and those on the fringes of our society. Amen.

Carys, from Rugby

7 years ago

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