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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Loving Heavenly Father, we pray today for Boris Johnson as he travels and tries to help Nazanin, be with them both and hold them in your loving arms. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN

Shirley, from East Sussex

7 years ago

Today Father I prayer for my boss who is the Managing Partner of a large firm, and I prayer you help him make the right decisions for the company Father. I payer you watch over his health too.

Kerry, from Stevenage

7 years ago

Please draw near to the Prime Minster. Let her be assured that You will guide her in all decisions and give her rest and peace. Amen

Alison, from Devon

7 years ago

Dear Lord. Thank you for Theresa May. Please guide her as she seeks to lead our country at this difficult time. May you enable her to guide with integrity and to look to you for guidance.

Pearl Smith, from Reigate, Surrey

7 years ago

Dear Father God, please guide our politicians in the decisions which they make. Give them wisdom, courage and compassion. Help them to look to you for guidance.

Adrienne, from Cambridge

7 years ago

Thank you Lord,Lord I pray with my heart that you give our prime minister the wisdom to know what to do on the ongoing challenges she faces each day and I pray you protect her.amen

Doris Ropers

7 years ago

Thank you for the leadership we have in place. We pray for each of them that your will may come about as prophesied in Scripture.

You are amazing.

DRB, from Simpsonville,SC. USA

7 years ago

Dear Father,
We pray for wisdom for politicians, especially with all the furore about Franklin Graham's scheduled visit next year. Help them to understand that when Christians disagree with people's beliefs , it doesn't mean that they hate those people. Amen

Anne, from Bracknell

7 years ago

Please Father God, give are prime minister wisdom has she leads.

Levi Lee, from Tonbridge

7 years ago

Lord, I pray for all those involved in the fight agains global terrorism. I pray that all national leaders may find wisdom in their dealings with each other and find a way to bring peace to our troubled world. Amen

Jane Flynn, from Middlesex

7 years ago

Father God, we lift up our politicians before you and pray that you would guide them as they make decisions in the days ahead


7 years ago

Heavenly Father I pray for Boris Johnson visiting Iran seeking the release of those held unjustly. Please be gracious to him and give him the right words to say that Nazanin and others may be freed. In Jesus


7 years ago

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