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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Heavenly Father, bless all our leaders, in local & national government, and across the world. Give them wisdom, strength, kindness and a loving heart, enable them to make good decisions for the benefit of the whole world. Amen.

Alison, from Camberley

7 years ago

Father ask you to strengthen our pm to be brave enough to fight for what is right for our people in UK and to help us back on the road to being a Christian natoon again

Linda , from Halesowen

7 years ago

Lord I ask you to bless all our MHK's on this island, teach them your ways as they make laws and govern the people, give them your wisdom and compassion, may each one seek your guidance first. Amen

Anonymous, from Isle of Man

7 years ago

Dear lord I pray for the leaders of our churches in the U.K. i pray that they will be strong and be able to preach your gospel, that they will share your love,be witnesses for you in Jesus name amen.

Sandra , from Salisbury

7 years ago

Dear Father God,
Thank you for those in leadership of our country, who are walking with you. How hard it must be with such pressure from all sides. Please bless them, protect them and their families, fill them with your power.

Ros, from Holcombe

7 years ago

Father God I pray that you will bless the leaders of our nation this Christmas time. Help them to find time to rest and reflect so that they can lead with renewed focus in the coming year. Amen

Tamsin , from Ipswich

7 years ago

Dear Lord, please soak all of our politicians in your Holy Spirit, that they may make decisions with mercy, patience, and love, and listen to your active voice in our communities.
Bless them and keep them safe.

Rachel, from London

7 years ago

Praying for the leader
and all politicians of Zimbabwe. I pray that they will have the knowledge and courage to do the right think for everybody in zimbabwe not just a few and that peace will come

Fran, from Kent

7 years ago

Thankyou Lord for all those that serve us in leadership. We pray that they will use their influence for Love of You and others especially during this significant time of transition .

Sue, from Goulding

7 years ago

Almighty God, I ask for your wisdom and grace be given to the leaders of my country. Please strengthen those who are trying to follow you and remove those who are damaging our country and the world. Amen


7 years ago

May those who represent your people throughout the world, be inspired to lead as a loving parent, with loving concern for all people. Favouring none above another, serving in justice, humility and peace. Working to ensure all are safe.

Jill, from West Midlands

7 years ago

Dear God, give Teresa May love in her heart to act on behalf of the poor and needy of the UK. May she glorify you in all that she says and does inspiring others to love you. Amen

Catherine J WOODCOCK

7 years ago

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