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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Father please protect our MP and keep her in health. Give her wisdom and boldness to speak out for the truth and righteousness. Help her to divide her time wisely with her family and politics.

Anonymous, from Crewe and Nantwich

7 years ago

Lord, we pray for the leadership of Israel and Palestine. That there may be peace in their nations despite unilateral meddling. Give the people a sense of peace and hope that they may live peacefully alongside one another.


7 years ago

Dear God - I pray for all world leaders - that they might know the true meaning of Christmas in their hearts and that they might work together for food. Give them wisdom, courage and compassion. Amen


7 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you for the freedom to vote and to express political opinions. Thank you for the Christians who take on roles as community representatives and leaders. Lord bless our PM in her faith life.


7 years ago

Bless our leaders, Lord. May they look to you for their wisdom and honour you through their words and deeds. Amen


7 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for the leaders of the newly formed Wigan Street Pastors and for those who lead the Ascension Trust. Give them wisdom as they co-ordinate the teams bringing your love to the town of Wigan. Amen

Pauline, from Wigan

7 years ago

Lord, we pray for the leaders and the people of Zimbabwe. We pray that you will guide the new president and his government to restore peace, stability and democracy to the country.

Alison, from Bolton

7 years ago

Father I pray for our Prime Minister and her government that they'll be humble enough to look to You in prayer for wisdom and guidance in their decisions and to Your Word for truth. In the name of Jesus Christ

Christine, from Scotland

7 years ago

In these uncertain days, help us to trust in you, to find you and know you in new and deep ways. May your kingdom come, Lord, and your will be done, for your Glorys sake.


7 years ago

Dear Lord I pray for a just and lasting peace in the Land we call Holy and for all involved in leadership in this troubled area that they may find a way to work together. Amen

Katy Rowe, from Chester

7 years ago

Dear Lord - Please fill our leaders with wisdom in these difficult Brexit negotiations. Help them to co-operate successfully for the good of all. Amen


7 years ago

Dear Lord we pray for wisdom for our Prime Minister and the leaders of the European Council as they move on to the next stage of Brexit negotiations that a fair and clear decision making process may be achieved. Amen

Becky, from Wiltshire

7 years ago

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