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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Pray for David Gauke MP, Minister of State for pensions & social securtiy.
A righteous man with 3 boys at secondary school who did go to the club for primary children run by local churches,

rosemary, from Chorleywood

7 years ago

I pray Lord that our leaders will have Your wisdom and especially your compassion for the vulnerable, the widows, the orphans and the refugee aliens in such need. Bless our leaders in their own lives with joy and peace now.

Kathleen , from Liverpool

7 years ago

Heavenly Father, I pray that your will be done in this country through our government and that more of them come to know you and your loving grace. Amen.

Ruth, from Romford

7 years ago

Lord, I pray that you would fill leaders with wisdom and a heart for all of their people.


7 years ago

Dear Father please guide our church leaders, keep them in your arms and fill them with you're Spirit. Protect them and their families as they serve our church family. Amen


7 years ago

Theresa May -Please make all your actions for the benefit of the people and make society fair and just for all. Give you strength of mind and heart to do so.

Debbie and Liam

7 years ago

I pray today for Mrs May that she may find great peace within her faith as she leads our country and her husband Philip as he supports her.

Betty, from Wiltshire

7 years ago

We pray for wisdom to all those who lead us in any capacity. Wisdom to make the right choice for the many and not the few.

Rachel , from Somerset

7 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for our Prime Minister, her cabinet and all who have responsibility for delivering good governance. May they be guided by your wisdom, and motivated by a spirit of service. Amen.

Gordon McGuinness

7 years ago

Dear Lord and Saviour, I pray that you will give our government the integrity and wisdom to run our country in the way that is pleasing to you. Thank you Jesus for being with us always. Amen.

Jane, from Leicester

7 years ago

I pray for good governance in the negotiations about our future trading relationships.

Peter, from Gillingham

7 years ago

I pray that you may have the grace to work as hard for everyone as you would for your own family.

Jo, from Heptonstall

7 years ago

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