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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Lord, help the people who have been voted in as representatives work for the good of our city, our country and our world. Give them wisdom and guidance, especially during Brexit negotiations.

Barbara, from Belfast

7 years ago

Dear Lord, please give strength and guidance to our politicans so that they may make the right decisions for our country. Amen

Pauline Kaznowski, from Hampshire

7 years ago

I pray that you will influence wisdom and empathy in our elected Members so that however hard the decision, they will make it knowing it is the right way forward.
In Jesus name


helen Holmes

7 years ago

I pray for my local MP Rosie Duffield, I pray that she would be guided by your might wisdom and do what’s best for us all. Amen.

Tom, from Canterbury

7 years ago

Lord, Please give wisdom to all in authority. That they may make the right decisions to bring about wisdom and peace for ours, and every nation. Please direct their efforts to help us all bring about your Kingdom.

Phill Matthews, from Widnes

7 years ago

I pray that your guidance be given to Theresa May and everyone involved with the difficult Brexit discussions. Amen


7 years ago

Dear God, please impart some of your wisdom to world leaders. We pray that they will work together to maintain peace in the world. Amen


7 years ago

Dear Father,We pray for the world leaders that they may have wisdom to lead their country to peace and prosperity for ALL people .We pray for the Christian leaders to listen to your voice guided by the Holy Spirit


7 years ago

Father God fill our leaders with wisdom and determination enabling them execute a good, fair Brexit that will not harm or hinder this country’ s future, whilst not neglecting affairs of the UK or standing for the oppressed worldwide. Amen


7 years ago

For all those in local authority to know the Lord Jesus Christ. To have their hearts & eyes opened to the Trinity. Be people of Wisdom. Courage. Strength.Speak the Truth!.Stand up for the weak and needy. In Jesus name. Amen

Katy, from Stoke on Trent

7 years ago

Loving God, I pray that your Holy Spirit will fill the hearts of all those who are responsible for the lives of others; that they may lead wisely seeking justice, peace, unity and healing for our broken world.

Jane, from Devon

7 years ago

Heavenly Father,
I pray for Boris Johnson in Teheran today, that the words he speaks would be wise and that those being held in prison would be released. In Jesus Name Amen.

Esther, from Northumberland

7 years ago

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