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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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LORD, Bless the leaders of this country. Help them to know you have gone ahead setting out the plans . Continue to give them wisdom, strength and courage to hear your words and honour you in their decision making. Amen


7 years ago

Dear Father
I thank you for Simon and ask you help him at this time with the work he has to do
In Jesus name

Paul, from Shoreham

7 years ago

Dear Lord We pray for Donald Trump. Please open his heart to all the pain and suffering around him and guide him to helping the less fortunate Amen


7 years ago

Thanks father for the leaders of our country. Please be with them through everything they have to do.


7 years ago

Loving Father, guide those who lead us. Give them wisdom and strength to make right decisions for those whom they serve, especially when the going gets tough. In Jesu's name, Amen.


7 years ago

I pray for the beleaguered government

Rosemary, from Surrey

7 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray that you give our Govt the wisdom and strength to conclude the Brexit negotiations successfully and steer us to a prosperous future for all.

Neil, from Poole

7 years ago

Heavenly Father,
Grant Donald Trump the gift of wisdom and right judgement ,that he may use these gifts to lead his country with compassion and love.

Sarah, from Coventry

7 years ago

Dear God, I pray for the leaders of our country, I pray your blessing upon them. I ask that we will remember the difficult job they do and speak words of encouragement on them. In Jesus name, Amen

Anonymous, from Wales

7 years ago

I pray for Theresa May


7 years ago

I pray for reconciliation between all those leaders who seek to resolve the Brexit issue, especially Theresa May and her advisors, that a spirit of goodwill will prevail between all parties and that all they do maybe for good.


7 years ago

Father God, please support all politicians across the globe this Christmas and always. Help them to follow your ways and in doing provide adequate care for the homeless, the scared - the people in need.

phil mazur

7 years ago

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