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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Lord Jesus, we ask you to bless our Solihull MPs Julian Knight and Caroline Spelman. Give them wisdom in all the decisions they make, and fill them to overflowing with your Holy Spirit.

Chris, from Solihull

7 years ago

Father of us all, please give enlightenment to those in power who think they have all the answers but who are merely serving their own agenda, so that they may truly use their power for good.

Marion, from Shrewsbury

7 years ago

I pray for our government at this special time of year. That in all the decisions made. They would be influenced by the Holy Spirit. I pry for my MP Tobias Ellwood to have a personal encounter with Jesus.

Sarah Whitehead , from Bournemouth

7 years ago

Dear Lord, please guide Mrs May and all the government and civil servants in their work. Help them to work for the good of the entire country and all it's inhabitants particularly as they work towards Brexit. Amen


7 years ago

Everlasting Father and Wonderful Counsellor may you grant wisdom to those who are negotiating Brexit.


7 years ago

As we have become city of culture pray that your holy spirit will move through to all peoples that we will become a beacon set on a hill for the gospel.

Freda, from Coventry

7 years ago

We pray this Christmas time our government, politicians, and those connected with this work enjoy their wel earned break, have time with their families and return in the new year refreshed. Amen


7 years ago

Father God - help those who lead our country. May they see clearly the needs of the disadvantaged in our society. Help them to make good and fair decisions for those people who need their help the most.


7 years ago

I pray for our MP to have wisdom and integrity when they vote. To be guided only by you and not by personal advancement or lack of courage. I pray that honesty will prevail,to help those most in need.

Anonymous, from Wiltshire

7 years ago

Dear god please help all the leaders from all countries to listen to your guidance. We live in a crazy world please help them to seek your help especially when making tough decisions. Amen

Donna , from Radcliffe

7 years ago

Father we pray for Therese Coffey, our local MP. We pray that she may be granted wisdom and sincerity in her decision-making and conduct and that she may represent the people of this area with passion and sensitivity. Amen Lord!

Sarah, from Ufford

7 years ago

Dear Lord please give wisdom and compassion to all Leaders of nations in these turbulent times

Julia, from Oxford

7 years ago

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